Monday, 24 August 2015

See The sophisticated network of trafficking in sex slaves helps fund Islamic State

La sofisticada red de trata de esclavas sexuales que ayuda a financiar a Estado IslámicoOf the atrocities to which they are subjected "pariahs" of the self-styled Caliphate, market women and children is one of the most cause violations to the West. In places Raqa or Mosul, slaves waiting to be bought by several jihadist according to the value with
which they have been tagged, the more expensive the more young people are even trafficked the internet with a list price spread between the forums of the Islamic State. Although women have often been the first collateral victims of wars throughout history, the EI has made this a sophisticated network of trafficking in sex slaves.

At first, the band did not recognize jihadist abuses against women, especially when they took the plain of Nineveh, where Iraqi religious minorities like the Yazidi began to be targeted by all sorts of horrors. But a time came when Islamic theologians state got "legitimize" the use of sex slaves, partly as a way of attracting foreign jihadists.

According to ABC published on the publication of a list of prices for slaves Islamic State, the jihadists who are higher up in the command structure of the organization are the first choice But it is clear that trade comprises a real part of the domestic economy of the organization.

"The girls were sold as barrels of gasoline," said UN special representative on sexual violence and conflict, Zainab Bangura, in an interview with Bloomberg and was the one who took the list and spread. "A girl can be sold and bought by five or six different men. Sometimes these girls sold by their families thousands of dollars in ransom. "

As reflected in the think tank Israeli MEMRI, a specialist in tracking Islamic State, in the October 2014 the propaganda magazine "Dabiq" explaining that unlike women religions of the book, the Yezidis themselves could be enslaved:

"Before making Sinjar, students of the Sharia in the Islamic state were responsible for investigating the Yazidis (...) Unlike the Jews and Christians, there was no room for tax (jizyah). Their women could be enslaved unlike female apostates, of which most lawyers say it can not be enslaved, can only give them an ultimatum to repent or else face the sword "

A total of 5,270 Yazidis have been captured by the network of Islamic State in the last year, of which 3,144 still continue serving the depravities of the jihadists, according to a recent report in "The New York Times." An example of this was the treatment he received American aid worker who, while not of this minority was the victim of the abuse of the self caliph, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

MEMRI's report to the disagreement is targeted with these practices of many women willing to emigrate to the Islamic State. A user named "mer-dil-tumhara-hai" he wrote in a blog on Tumblr led by several women of the Islamic State in which they expressed their concerns: "Please RINSE misconceptions about mujahideen indiscriminately killing everyone including Shiite civilians and making Yazidis as sex slaves have the right to remain chaste. This has gone away to the Sisters of the Hegira [immigration]. Make a post about it! ".

The answer said, "Assalamu alaikum Ukhti speaks [my sister], in the last issue [ninth issue] Dabiq magazine, the reason why we as Muslims should be glad that the caliphate recover all its glories including teaching the Prophet (PBUH) Sunna, taking women as sabayyah kuffar [slaves] humiliate them and what they represent. "

But Islamic State, in addition to use as bait for the call of "foreign fighters" and to finance, also makes use of sex slaves to threaten the enemy. The jihadist group is aware that the issue of sexual slavery is very sensitive, especially in the West, so it openly also used to threaten and provoke their enemies, as MEMRI recalls. Thus, in the ninth edition of Dabiq, an article that included a scenario in which the US first lady Michelle Obama was sold in the slave market it was published.

MEMRI's report also addresses the criticism in the jihadist world, alien to EI, like those from the opponent Jabhat al-Nusra, Syrian Al Qaeda brand. "While it is theologically permissible to take slaves, the current environment of guerrilla warfare makes it" impossible to regulate "and" would lead to real abuses, '"says a senior officer, as if the practice of female slavery could not be regarded as an abuse.

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