Wednesday 19 August 2015

Sergio Ramos, an environment with much power

Piqué pide perdón por su actitud y niega los insultosGerard Pique has used his profile on Twitter to apologize for the way in which he speaks with the protest for the return of the Supercopa of Spain and that cost him his expulsion.
The center back acknowledges that the "attitude" with which he addressed the wizard was not correct.

However, Pique is justified by the tension that existed on the grass at the time, with a title at stake, and ensures that at no time did not insult the "linesman".
The center of Barcelona, ​​who left his team with ten after his red card, is now exposed to a penalty ranging from 4 to 12 games. Article 94 of the Disciplinary Code RFEF statement that "insulting, offending or insulting words or addressed in attitudes to the main referee, assistant, fourth official, officers or sporting authorities, unless it constitutes more serious offense, is punishable by four to suspension twelve games. "

The logic and precedent suggests that the sanction of the Catalan defense would be the least (4 meetings) as has happened in the past in a similar case.

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