Saturday 24 October 2015

The author of 'Harry Potter' reveals one of the mysteries of the saga

Además la autora contó los origenes de la familia Potter.

The writer J.K. Rowling made a new gift to fans of the Harry Potter saga, to publish a written hitherto unknown details of history's most famous wizard of Hogwarts.

In the text, published on the website Pottermore, the author said that the origin of the Potter family dating from the twelfth century of the Stinchcombe Linfred magician, a man so beloved as eccentric.

Stinchcombe was nicknamed 'the Potterer', why his name ended up drifting to which we all know.

In his new writing Rowling also revealed one of the great mysteries of the series: How came at the hands of Harry's invisibility cloak.

As indicated, the garment that was part of the 'Deathly Hallows' belonged to the Peverell family and his heir was a young woman named Ignotus, who over the years became the wife of one of the first descendants of the Potter, Hardwin .

The woman inherited the invisibility cloak to her oldest son and then on the item was delivered to the Potter firstborn of every generation, until Harry.

Along with publishing this new story, J.K. Rowling said the Pottermore site will be redesigned for easier navigation and deliver more content to fans of the boy wizard.

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